C rime is one of the biggest challenges facing shippers today. And it’s getting worse. “The scale of cargo theft and fraud is formidable and growing, impacting countless businesses and disrupting supply chains worldwide,” says Steve Healy, CEO of COREX Logistics. Recent data from supply chain and law enforcement agencies indicate that this issue costs industries billions annually.
fraud—modern methods of cybercrime, including computer hacking, identity theft, and other digital crimes— totals more than $400,000 per survey respondent, with an average cost per load of nearly $41,000, reports TIA. The bottom line is staggering. “U.S.- based annual losses are $15 billion to $35 billion,” says Ann Marie Jonkman, vice president, global industry strategies, Blue Yonder. Recent estimates are that
The numbers bear him out. Cargo theft—the traditional practice of stealing products off trucks and trailers—jumped 33% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the previous year, after skyrocketing more than 600% between November 2022 and March 2023, according to a recent Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) survey. The average cost of gross
110 Inbound Logistics • January 2025
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