Inbound Logistics | January 2025

NEED HELP BALANCING SUPPLY WITH DEMAND? HERE’S THE SOLUTION Demand and supply chain planning has evolved from a disjointed, slow, inaccurate, manual set of processes to an integrated, timely process enabled by highly trained people, lean agile processes, and cutting-edge technology. Discover the art and science behind making demand and supply chain planning work effectively in this new book by Paul Myerson, who has more than 25 years of experience in supply chain strategies, systems, and operations that have resulted in bottom-line improvements for major companies.

INSIDE THE PAGES: • How to apply supply chain best practices. • Real-world examples and case studies that illustrate demand and supply chain planning applications in today’s complex, uncertain global supply chain. • Deep dive into the concepts, tools and techniques used in the efficient supply of goods and services in today’s changing global economy. • How businesses work through the supply chain to build strong relationships that deliver customer value. • The tools and technologies enabling integration, and the critical drivers and key metrics of supply chain performance.

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