Inbound Logistics | August 2022

Introducing the Industrial Buying Engine ™

B2B Sourcing Made Easy: Get Quotes and Buy from Top North American Suppliers - ®

We are excited to share with you our latest platform innovation: the Industrial Buying Engine ™ - a free suite of online tools to help you:

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CREATE ONE PROJECT AND GET MULTIPLE QUOTES from quality US and Canadian suppliers

ORDER from Thomas Registered and Thomas Verified Suppliers , and GET COVERED by our Transaction Assurance, at no cost to you

CHECK OUT using a range of payment methods: Credit Cards Bank Transfers Billing Account and Purchase Orders - so you can set up with us once, and buy from thousands of top suppliers

Ready to take the Industrial Buying Engine ™ out for a spin? Check out some of the most popular categories in retail and distribution, and shop for your business today.

Access the Industrial Buying Engine ™ on ®

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