Inbound Logistics | March 2025

READERPROFILE Say ‘Yes’ Before You’re Ready: Embracing Opportunity and Innovation as told to Karen Kroll

DEVON VOGEL is vice president, corporate strategy with Nelson- Jameson, Inc., a leader in food processing distribution. RESPONSIBILITIES: Nurture strategic partnerships with key customers; lead internal initiatives to drive eciency via technology, explore and identify new product and service markets, and enhance the company’s ecommerce solutions. EXPERIENCE: Vice president, corporate strategy; vice president, customer solutions; director of customer solutions; inventory solutions manager; MRO product manager; assistant product manager; marketing associate, sales and marketing intern; all with Nelson-Jameson. EDUCATION: B.S. Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

I joined Nelson-Jameson as an intern in college, starting in marketing. I moved into product management and then branched out into different value-add service offerings for our customers. Fifteen years later, I’ve learned from so many great people in our industry. A motto I live by and that has allowed me to grow within my career is: ‘Say yes before you think you’re ready.’ Roughly 10 years ago, I had an opportunity to lead a new venture for Nelson-Jameson, the SupplyRITE™ Inventory Solutions. Launching this required developing a program to offer inventory management on-site at our customers’ locations. We act as true strategic partners, while also using technology such as industrial vending machines and automated replenishment. There were a lot of unknowns at the

This service allows our customers to augment their maintenance teams with our expertly trained service techs. Seeing this service and team grow over the past two and a half years has been extremely rewarding. Now, I continue to take the opportunity to listen to our customers. We have open conversations to understand what their goals and strategies are and, in turn, create pathways to meet their needs within our product and service offerings. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT TO SUPPLY CHAIN My career in supply chain happened organically. After college, I sought out established companies within central Wisconsin. It was more about nding the right culture t versus seeking out a role in supply chain.

beginning. Yet, we were able to take this opportunity with one customer, and 10 years later, offer this service across the United States. We continue to listen to the voice of the customer and then evolve the solution with technology available to meet those needs. About three years ago, another opportunity impacted my career. A known gap in our industry was plants struggling to complete necessary maintenance services. Often, equipment preventive maintenance can be one of the rst functions that gets passed by when other urgent matters need attention. To address this, I was able to absorb a sister company into the Nelson-Jameson brand, leverage our team’s technical knowledge, and bring a new professional maintenance offering to our customers.

10 Inbound Logistics • March 2025

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