Inbound Logistics | March 2025

Start with people. Ensuring a global supply chain organization is on the right side of the changes begins with people. No amount of technology or money will compensate for supply chain leaders who aren’t able to manage through the current disruptions, says Omar Kazzaz, with Kazzaz Advisory Group. Effective supply chain leaders are proactive, and understand geopolitics and strategy. They also have “an impeccable ability to connect the dots,” he says. That is, they need to be able to understand how events occurring on the other side of the world, such as a disruption in a trade route, can impact their own supply chains. These professionals also need to connect with suppliers, forwarders, and other business partners who are similarly proactive and insightful. When a business hits a bottleneck, it’s only a matter of time before the impact ripples out to its partners, Kazzaz says. Remove silos. Having the right people will be of little value if few understand the company’s strategy or decisions.

About 35% of the friction in supply chains today is waste resulting from siloed data and information, Vyas says. Many companies hesitate to share information with suppliers and customers due to a lack of trust. “I’ve seen cases where they don’t even share the data within a department,” he says. The lack of visibility can hamper decision-making and lead to unproductive actions. Communication between computer systems, as well as between systems and people, is also essential. These connections help ensure one accurate version of the truth. Private trading networks, an emerging technology, enable partners to share information while limiting what each can see. “They achieve that collaboration without giving away the jewels,” says Jonathan Colehower, managing director with the global supply chain practice of UST, a provider of digital solutions. Organizations that share information, particularly in multi-tier supply chains,

can learn of potential problems before they spiral beyond control. The company championing use of a private trading network may need to help its partners, especially smaller ones, implement it. The ability to pivot. In today’s environment, the ability to leverage change as an opportunity is a major competitive edge, says Don Hicks, CEO of Optilogic, a supply chain company. This requires the ability to create options that allow an organization to pivot, Amling says. Articial intelligence can help supply chain organizations develop options and assess their impact so they can react quickly and intelligently to changes. For instance, a U.S. automaker may engage in scenario planning to identify the potential impact of measures to address tariffs, such as moving a plant from China to Vietnam. Resilience enables organizations to absorb adversity, says Michael Zimmerman, partner in the strategic operations practice with Kearney, a global consulting rm. It comes from

Pergolux’s Transparent, Global Supply Chain Pergolux designs, makes, and oers pergolas in more than a dozen countries, including the United States. It leverages a China+ strategy, with factories also in Poland and Vietnam, as well as some operations in the United States, says Tim Heneveld, country director with the Norway-based firm. With an eye on taris, Pergolux began shifting some operations from China more than one year ago, Heneveld says. The company also began making strategic purchases to minimize the impact of future taris. Pergolux also continually evaluates adding suppliers or

manufacturing facilities. As the cost of relying on others and operating a diverse supply chain increases, it may make sense to consider boosting internal sourcing and manufacturing capabilities, Heneveld says. Artificial intelligence is helping Pergolux with everything from demand planning to warehouse layouts. “With data-centric information, AI can really help and save a lot of time and analytical manpower,” he adds. As important, Pergolux is transparent about its diverse supply chain. By sourcing and operating in multiple locations, while monitoring and auditing for sustainable manufacturing practices, Pergolux is able to oer a premium product at an aordable price. “That transparency,” Heneveld says, “is what the consumer is reliant on.”

By sourcing and operating in multiple locations around the world, pergola company Pergolux is able to oer personal customer service and quick delivery at an aordable price.

March 2025 • Inbound Logistics 23

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