Inbound Logistics | March 2025

F or the Georgia logistics sector, the adage “Put your money where your mouth is” translates to decisive action. The state devotes the energy, vision, and funds to galvanize supply chains.

continued job growth and the ability to attract, train, and retain a strong workforce pipeline within the freight and logistics sector,” Lake says. BUILDING MOMENTUM There’s even more. “Transformative improvements are already happening, with more to come in the next several years,” Lake says. “Alongside ongoing investments in physical infrastructure, the Georgia Center of Innovation and other partners are looking at ways to enhance cargo ow through increased collaboration on digital infrastructure projects that deliver customized innovations to meet the unique needs of Georgia businesses.” For example, the West Georgia Inland Port is under development and will connect LaGrange, Georgia, to the port in Savannah via CSX rail, creating a powerful new link in Georgia’s logistics network. And the Georgia State Freight and Logistics Plan offers a strategic framework for policy, funding, and partnerships to ensure the state invests at a level that maximizes its tremendous freight and logistics assets.

For example, new state investments have helped accelerate Georgia Department of Transportation priority projects. In 2024, Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia legislature passed a $1.5-billion infusion to increase funds for roadwork improvements and establish a freight infrastructure program, which will improve efciency, safety, and reliability for the transportation of goods across the state. This aggressive-improvement mindset extends to other infrastructure: • Since 2020, Hartseld-Jackson Atlanta International Airport has made signicant improvements, which include adding ve new gates to Terminal T to accommodate more passengers and larger-capacity jets, and a sixth runway, currently under construction, to handle increased air trafc and improve overall efciency. These improvements increase the capacity of belly cargo options for air freight shippers. • The Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) continually improves its infrastructure. Recent updates include the opening of the Mason Mega Rail Terminal, which is the largest on-dock rail facility in North America, as well as the addition of 2,100 new grounded container slots, increasing Savannah’s container capacity by 20%, and renovation of berth capacity at the port that enables an increase of an estimated one million TEUs per year. In addition, GDOT has approved a plan to raise the Talmadge Memorial Bridge by up to 10 feet to allow larger ships to pass underneath. If that doesn’t qualify for putting money where it counts, there’s more. “Georgia’s logistics industry benets from a broad network of education and

training programs across 26 institutions within the University System of Georgia,” says Sandy Lake, director, logistics, Georgia Center of Innovation. Academic partners include 22 technical colleges and 57 college and career academies, providing critical training in logistics and supply chain management as well as supply chain and industrial systems engineering. Meanwhile, key state partnerships— such as the WorkSource Georgia program of the Georgia Department of Labor and Technical College System— facilitate ongoing dialogue between industry and related workforce and training programs on the skills required in a rapidly changing logistics sector. “Georgia’s comprehensive efforts in workforce development will support

Atlanta Bonded Warehouse, a leading provider of temperature-controlled 3PL warehousing, co-packaging, and LTL/TL transportation services, responded to pandemic challenges with productivity improvements, including increased automation and refined process strategies.

March 2025 • Inbound Logistics 35

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