Inbound Logistics | March 2025

customers had a hard time with their suppliers maintaining full shelves.” ABW responded to the challenges with a host of productivity improvements, including both increased automation and rened process strategies implemented through the company’s warehouse management system. ABW’s strong relationships with customers enable improvements that are benecial for both parties. “We can streamline things and solve problems by adding steps or eliminating steps,” he says. This constant attention to processes, in turn, helps keep costs down. Relationships are key in these strategies, Justice says. When it comes INVESTMENTS BEAR FRUIT For logistics professionals, Georgia is a peach. Count the ways: The logistics technology sector has an estimated $14.3-billion economic impact in Georgia.* The sector’s economic impact has grown more than $4 billion since 2020, an increase of 37.5%. More than 190 logistics technology companies call Georgia home. The Georgia logistics tech sector has more than 21,000 jobs, an increase of 47% since 2013. The state has two international airports— Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta and Savannah/Hilton Head —and nine of the top 10 cargo airlines in the world. Georgia is served by both of the Eastern U.S. Class I railroads, CSX and Norfolk Southern, along with 24 short-line railroads. The state has two deep-water ports , including Savannah—the fastest-growing port in the United States—and Brunswick. Six U.S. interstates —1,200 miles of highway—connect shippers to 80% of the country in two days or less driving time. *Center for Economic Development Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, IMPLAN Model of Georgia

it, “at-out geography,” including its logistics access to the major population centers of the Southeast. But there’s more to it than that. “Georgia has recognized its natural advantage and has committed resources to ensure that that advantage is enhanced,” he says. “The state has built an infrastructure that is conducive for not only product coming into the state of Georgia but going out.” In addition to its ideal location and infrastructure, he says, state leaders have adopted policies to keep the costs of business down. For many years, site selectors have ranked Georgia as the country’s number-one state for doing business. Factors in the state’s formula for success include low taxes and highly skilled workforce. More than a quarter- million of those skilled workers are employed in the logistics industry, and the industry—like ABW—is growing. FOSTERING A BUSINESS- FRIENDLY CLIMATE “The state has continued to be a huge cheerleader for the logistics industry,” Justice says, in particular citing investments in the infrastructure surrounding ports. “Georgia has been exceptionally helpful in terms of making it a desirable destination for shippers,” he says. “And the state continues to make this a hospitable place for people to relocate, to build their homes, and grow their families. When they locate here, they know it is a growing economy.” Georgia was by no means immune to what Justice calls the economic “see-saw” that occurred through the pandemic “to the backside of the bad inationary period,” he says. Manpower shortages were the inevitable result. “The demand for labor was pushing costs up to rates we’d never seen,” he says, adding the impact was felt in every link of the logistics supply chain, from parts to labor to supplies. “Finding labor was a challenge because everybody had lots of choices, he says. “At the same time, our

to warehouse operations and inventory management exibility and execution are critical. “We rely on references and referrals,” he says. “Our customers are the best salespeople we have.” FORGING SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS The story of Georgia’s leadership in logistics dates back to long before the challenges of the past few years emerged. “Even prior to the pandemic, Georgia has been a hub of supply chain and logistics technology,” says Brian Thompson, chief commercial ofcer of SMC³, a Georgia non- prot trade association serving the transportation industry. “Georgia is a magnet for growth, and post-pandemic the state continues to thrive,” Thompson says. “Thanks in large part to Georgia’s comprehensive infrastructure network, its transportation and logistics sectors were able to sustain and adapt to the long-term boom in ecommerce sales.” Adaptation to change is a key to success not only for the industry at large but also for its service providers. “As shippers, carriers, and 3PLs also adjusted to the rapid change in market dynamics, SMC³ was able to successfully adapt as well,” Thompson says. “Our operations were able to accommodate a remote work environment, ensuring seamless connectivity between our employees and customers. “SMC³ has been fortunate in 2025 to have grown its people and talent—adding jobs to the state while also continuing to provide comprehensive, innovative technology solutions,” he adds. Georgia’s robust infrastructure complements the state’s strategic location for logistics and transportation, says Thompson. Georgia is home to more than 70 large logistics and supply chain companies. The supply chain ecosystem and the state of Georgia share a symbiotic relationship. “The success of local, state, and even national economies depends on the efciency of the supply chain network,” Thompson says.

40 Inbound Logistics • March 2025

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