Inbound Logistics | October 2024

At the Children’s Place, we led a coalition of apparel brands that formed the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety. This was to strengthen protections for workers in Bangladesh factories after the collapse of Rana Plaza. That effort had real impact on the people of Bangladesh and on the industry overall. MANAGING CHANGE Coyuchi is a company of fewer than 40 people. When we introduce big initiatives, like implementing a new ERP system, almost the whole company gets involved. That’s on top of their day jobs. My role as a leader is to help my team prioritize, because there’s always more than we can do. The hardest part is saying no and allowing others to say no to things that are not making a difference, or that we’re not able to execute in a way we can feel proud about. I am not great at this yet, but I’m working on it. I want to make sure we’re as focused as possible on the things that are moving the needle. My early experience in roles in which I was not the decision maker informed how I lead today. I try to bring people along, collaborate, and ensure everyone can provide input and understands where we’re going. Even if we don’t unanimously agree on the outcome, the process helps us all become confident that we’ve landed on the right decision. One direct report said my management style is like a wilderness explorer leading a team. To reach the goal, you can’t lead by being militaristic and yelling orders. n

Marcus Chung Answers the Big Questions 1 What’s the best leadership/supply chain advice you

like I have to say swimming even though I haven’t been in a pool in years. 3 What gets you out of bed in the morning? Unfortunately, it’s usually one of our cats, who recently started meowing loudly at 4:30 a.m.

ever received? Always create contingency plans. 2 If you could represent your country in the Olympics, for what sport would it be? I grew up swimming competitively and was captain of my undergraduate swim team. I feel

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October 2024 • Inbound Logistics 13

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