Inbound Logistics | July 2024


Want to join the conversation? FOLLOW US: DROP US A LINE: Thank you for pointing out that the “strip it down to the studs” business model is a thing of the past because the “uff” that was once on the railroad is long gone and has been for 20+ years at Norfolk Southern. PSR (Precision Scheduled Railroading) is just a catchphrase they say during PowerPoint presentations to get people digging deep in their pockets for stfuls of money to invest and railroads to hire new “experts” to point out the obvious. —Name Withheld Editor’s Notes *Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED) **The BLE merged with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and became the BLET on January 1, 2004 .


Frank Mullens @FrankMullens Eating my spicy salad and reading about overcoming supply chain obstacles—it’s all about resilience. via @ILMagazine

Re. Checking In: Strip It Down to the Studs?

AeroAimee LeVoler @LVaeroScape Absolutely agree. Railroads like NS are vitally important and shouldn’t be dismantled by hedge funds. Kudos to the stockholders. Via Email I agree with your “strip it down to the studs” comments, but I couldn’t help but notice you give the Teamsters credit for not supporting Ancora and its business model. Did you know the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) union and its Maintenance of Way branch* did come out in support of Ancora and its takeover; the BLET as a whole is under the wing of the Teamsters.** Yes it’s a fact the BLET did not support the Ancora hostile takeover; then one day it decided to support the Ancora hostile takeover without any feedback or support from its membership. They wrote an odd “memorandum of understanding” on April 26, 2024. This was a violation of the agreement between the BLET and Norfolk Southern. It’s all water under the bridge now, but I thought I would take the opportunity to point this out.

IL Publisher Keith Biondo sounds off on Ancora Holdings’ failed takeover at Norfolk Southern. On

May 9, 2024, stockholders voted to back Norfolk Southern management and derail Ancora’s takeover play. Via X Ronald Hale @ronh_boardroom Absolutely agree. Hedge funds should not strip a vital part of our infrastructure. The NS stockholders made the right decision. Natalie Foster @AeroNatalieF Keith is right. Now isn’t the time for hedge funds to strip NS or any railroad bare. Railroads are vital for our economy and logistics. ReectiveRider @wheeltradeview Agreed. Hedge funds must not strip NS or any railroad. Instead, focus on sustainable, long-term investments.

Re. March 2024 Good Question: What’s One Common Supply Chain Misconception?

One misconception is that the supply chain is still to blame for many business challenges today. In many instances, these issues are due to ination, higher interest rates, labor shortages and costs. –Eric Allais President and CEO, PathGui de Technologies A mistaken notion is that freight operates as a commoditized product with competitive advantage primarily determined by price. Many variables impact quality.

–Cole Garson COO, Re mcoda

10 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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