Inbound Logistics | July 2024

500 Million Picks DHL reached the milestone of 500 million picks using Locus Robotics’ LocusBot autonomous mobile robots. The 500 millionth pick occurred on May 18, 2024, at DHL’s Toledo, Spain, facility, where a LocusBot retrieved a consumer home goods product. While it took

2.5 years for DHL to reach the first 10 million picks, the next 100 million picks were accomplished in 28 months. The last 100 million picks took 154 days. LocusBots are deployed at more than 35 DHL-managed sites worldwide.

LocusHub dashboard ( above ); Boston Dynamics’ new Atlas robot ( right )

“Robotics in warehouses are revolutionizing operations by automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows through human-robot collaboration, addressing labor shortages, improving productivity, and reducing costs.” JASMINE LOMBARDI , Chief Customer Ocer, Locus Robotics

the external controller. These compact cobot models are powered by direct current, meaning they can be directly connected to any DC power supply, for example a battery of mobile robots. The lightweight robots open up new opportunities for mobile cobot AMR and cobot AGV (automated guided vehicle) applications and space-saving solutions. Kollmorgen’s NDC Flex Combines AMRs and AGVs Kollmorgen now offers a exible auto- mation solution for warehouses: NDC Flex. Kollmorgen’s NDC Flex is a plat- form that consists of both software to manage eets and route vehicles ef- ciently, and hardware for navigation and control. NDC Flex lets companies com- bine the efciency of AGVs with the adaptability of AMRs. This hybrid approach supports peak site productivity and mitigates risks

Kassow Robots Integrates Controllers Kassow Robots launched a 7-axis cobot series with a controller integrated into the base of the robot, allowing for greater ex- ibility for mobile solutions and additional space savings for facilities. All ve of its 7-axis cobots are now available in two versions: the standard version with a separate controller and the Edge Edition with integrated controller. The Kassow engineering team miniaturized the controller so that it now occupies around 10% of the volume of

move in the most efcient way possible to complete tasks. Boston Dynamics also offers package handling robot Stretch, which provides predictability for warehouse operations. With the ability to move hundreds of cases an hour, Stretch ensures daily goals are met even when order fulllment demands soar. Stretch can handle a wide range of package types and sizes, up to 50 pounds. The robot can navigate typical container conditions, working its way through neat or messy box congurations.

July 2024 • Inbound Logistics 169

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