Inbound Logistics | July 2024

related to potential disruptions. For example, NDC Flex users can modify the warehouse layout using a cloud- based solution called the Cirrus tool. Cirrus enables system providers to synchronize and validate end user changes, simplifying collaboration. Additionally, NDC Flex vehicles are equipped with obstacle avoidance technology. This capability allows the vehicle to maneuver around objects and obstacles and continue along its designated path. Comau’s Piece Picking Robot Boosts Precision Comau introduced the newest solution in its Machine Inspection Recognition Archetypes (MI.RA) family of hardware-agnostic, intelligent vision sys- tems—the MI.RA/OnePicker. Comau’s new perception-based piece picking solution pairs vision technology with advanced sensors to pick randomly displaced objects after calculating the picking pose in seconds. The compact and lightweight robot vision guidance system determines the modify cloud- tool. solution Recognition sys-

Getting a Better Grip Adaptive robot maker Flexiv designed the Grav Enhanced Gripper to handle mixed SKU con- signments in a warehouse setting. The gripper combines two-finger adaptive pinching and a gecko-in- spired superfriction material, enabling it to handle any object weighing up to 11 pounds. From soccer balls to champagne bottles, and loose clothing to foam, it can get a grip.

Kassow Edge Edition cobot

most effective way to empty a bin while saving costs and lowering potential risks. MI.RA/OnePicker is designed to autonomously pick miscellaneous objects from the same bin without relying on CAD-based assistance or prior information about their

Kollmorgen NDC Flex ( left ); Comau MI.RA/OnePicker ( above )

170 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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