Inbound Logistics | July 2024


Logistics 2040: Navigating the Future of Supply Chain Management BY OSWALD SANON By exploring how technology, innovation, and global trends are transforming supply chain operations, this book paints a picture of what will unfold during the next two decades. Across 20 detailed chapters, Sanon delves into future-facing topics including predictive analytics, big data, AI-driven inventory optimization, digital twins for supply chain planning, and the impact of autonomous vehicles on freight transportation. The book also shares insights on how “Industry 4.0” is shaping supply chain management and uses real-world case studies to illustrate successful implementations of emerging technologies.

Sustainable Supply Chain Orchestration: Unlearning for a Better Tomorrow BY DEBORAH DULL AND DOUGLAS KENT This book guides supply chain professionals through practical steps to integrate modern, green, and profitable strategies that align with environmental standards while boosting business growth. The authors share their transformative UNLEARN method, designed to help companies unify purpose, navigate sustainability challenges, and break free from outdated practices. Specific topics include embedding sustainability across sourcing, manufacturing, and logistics, as well as amplifying the sustainability narrative within your organization.

The Art of Autonomous Warehousing and Logistics BY LAVERNE BLACKBURN

This book takes a deep dive into the world of autonomous warehousing, where robots perform tasks such as picking, packing, and shipping goods. The author explores the benefits of autonomous warehousing, such as reduced labor costs and improved productivity and safety. The book also covers various challenges companies face when automating their warehouses, including the high cost of investment, need for specialized skills, and potential workforce reduction concerns.

194 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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