Inbound Logistics | July 2024

Verity’s automated inventory management system is powered by drones that scan inventory in warehouses and distribution centers and then deliver data-driven intelligence across the enterprise.

“By leveraging innovative technological solutions, we aim to improve our operations’ efciency further, become a more sustainable brand, and take customer satisfaction to new heights,” says Caspar Coppetti, co-founder and executive co-chairman of On.

less than 1%, signicantly increasing their warehouses’ labor efciency. But it’s only the beginning. Many of Verity’s clients are pulling the company into new verticals, including security and inspection. It makes sense. To stabilize altitude, drones utilize air pressure sensors, which allow the hover capabilities needed for videography or photography. The sensors are small, lightweight, and low power, culminating in the perfect payload for a mobile platform that can move anywhere in space, on demand. “Our cloud-based solution is also agnostic as to how the data it ingests is generated, so we can easily incorporate other data streams into our system, including those from xed sources, or even mobile phones,” D’Andrea adds. LOOKING AHEAD Six months into its collaboration with Verity, On is currently assessing the performance of the pilot project in its U.S. warehouse to identify future opportunities. “We found a partner who can support our warehouse in its core activities without adding manual work, and help streamline the process,” notes Lala. “We hope we’re getting closer to our goal of a zero-error warehouse.” n

various channels, including direct-to- consumer, business-to-business, and our own retail stores,” explains Lala. By enabling full operational visibility through smart, real-time inventory tracking, Verity’s autonomous drones are minimizing stockouts, misplacements, and shrinkage across On’s supply chain. The drones scan On products daily, ensuring full availability of stock for both retail and ecommerce customer fulllment. “Our system allows On to not only spot errors before they impact operations downstream, but to also determine root causes so they can be addressed,” says D’Andrea, who notes that manually tracking inventory is frequently a detested, error-prone, and even dangerous task due to the heights involved. “Our solution also addresses the labor- shortage issues that many supply chain companies are witnessing,” he adds. Harnessing innovation for the benet of customer experience appeals to On because it reects the company’s own pioneering spirit and history. The sportswear brand is keen to get behind new, more sustainable supply chain solutions that reduce CO2 emissions linked to warehousing. Verity clients net a reduction of 1,000 tons of CO2 emissions per warehouse each year, on average.

DRONE ON “It’s hard to name an industry that wouldn’t benet from mobile

intelligence,” says D’Andrea. Singling out factors that affect the business category, he points to the velocity of the goods, their value, the tightness and quality of the labor market, and the impact of errors in operations. Verity counts retailers, third-party logistics providers, and manufacturers among its clients. The company is already deploying its autonomous drones to scan everything from pet food to groceries, shoes to household goods, electronics to machine parts. Enhancing real-time inventory tracking across customer touchpoints—whether physical stores or online—minimizes stockouts, misplacements, and shrinkage. Drone technology boosts successful order fulllment for companies by improving on-time and accurate deliveries. Verity clients are seeing their operational issue rates drop from 5-12% to

July 2024 • Inbound Logistics 199

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