Inbound Logistics | July 2024


From Imperfection Comes Strength Early in Drew Wilkerson’s tenure at C.H. Robinson, a customer turned up with a complaint. “We had created some service issues,” Wilkerson says. Such diculties may damage the partnership between a shipper and a 3PL. But that’s not what happened. “One of my mentors at the time used those challenges as an opportunity to create a stronger relationship with the customer,” Wilkerson says. “He didn’t back away from the tough problem. He leaned into it.” The customer was so impressed by how the service provider worked to arrive at a solution, the shipper ended up giving C.H. Robinson more business. “And there was more trust in the relationship,” he says. That incident delivered an important lesson: “When things don’t go perfectly, that’s an opportunity to improve the business and create stronger relationships.”

providing options, we helped our customers keep their supply chains moving during one of the toughest times I’ve seen in my career. IL: What new and interesting projects are you working on? We were early adopters of technology in transportation. Today, one important set of questions for us is how do we integrate our technology with everyone it touches? How do we give our customers a more efcient experience? How do we make our technology easy for the carriers we partner with, so they can negotiate prices, book loads, and manage their entire businesses from their phones? We also want our technology to help our employees accomplish more every day. On a rolling 12-month basis, our employee productivity—the number of loads per head per day—is up by 18% year over year. That’s largely because our technology has reduced the number of keystrokes and clicks employees have to make, so they can focus on building relationships with customers and providing solutions. IL: Which emerging technologies have exciting implications for RXO and its customers? We’ve been using articial intelligence and machine learning for a decade. It helps us move faster from a pricing perspective, and it has allowed us to attain some of the strongest margins in the industry with regard to how we procure transportation. For the future, generative AI offers opportunity for back-ofce functions and even for customer- facing activities. IL: How would you describe your leadership style? I’m very transparent and open. You do not need an appointment or scheduled meeting to stop into my ofce to talk about yourself, your career, or ways to improve the company. I’m also customer-focused. I spend a lot of time with our customers and care about them deeply. My job is to make them look good within their organizations. Finally, as a leader, I focus on surrounding myself with and retaining talented individuals. Many people on our leadership team had already been with us for 10 years or longer before the spinoff.

IL: How do you give criticism or correction when that’s required?

If you have good relationships with people, the best approach is to be direct. When people know that you’re invested in their future and the critique comes out of a good place, they’re generally receptive. Often, I talk about the “why” behind the criticism, what the impact can be for them if they consider doing something in a different way. IL: What’s the hardest aspect of your job? For a leader, the most difcult thing is making sure you choose the right people to surround yourself with. Coming into the spinoff of RXO, the most challenging part of my job was lling some positions with people who did not come over from XPO. Fortunately, the people we chose t in well and have made us a better organization. IL: Among today’s active leaders, whose brain would you like to pick? I’d love to talk to Elon Musk, who is innovative and not scared to take on big challenges. I’d pick his brain on how he builds organizations and where he thinks technology can disrupt, or allow business to grow at a faster rate in the future. IL: Outside of work, how do you like to spend your time? I love spending time with my family. My wife and I grew up in the same small town in South Carolina and have been together since I was 16. We have two beautiful girls, ages 14 and 11. If I can spend time with them watching South Carolina football, basketball, or baseball, that’s even better. n

July 2024 • Inbound Logistics 21

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