Inbound Logistics | July 2024


65% of respondents say the U.S.

LET’S MAKE A DEAL The transportation and logistics (T&L) sector saw a total deal value of $29.7 billion with 52 disclosed deals from November 2023 to April 2024, finds PwC’s report, Transportation and Logistics: US Deals 2024 Midyear Outlook . Although stable, these numbers represent only 61% and 68% of the levels seen before the pandemic. Looking ahead, M&A will play a crucial role in the T&L sector, helping companies drive technological advancements, reach environmental goals, and adapt to economic changes. BRIDGING THE DATA DISCONNECT A striking 81% of procurement leaders anticipate a data-driven revolution in the next decade, with AI expected to have a transformational impact — 74% will use AI by the end of 2024 . Bridging the “data disconnect” by focusing on data management and architecture will be crucial to unlock AI’s potential for smarter decisions, better supplier relationships, and greater savings. — Ardent Partners, State of Source-to- Pay Digitization 2024: Navigating Supply Challenges, Embracing Innovation

presidential election candidates’ stances on international trade will affect their vote 65% expect their e-commerce sales to increase YOY (2023 vs. 2024) 40% view shipping costs as the biggest threat to their business 38% identify ination as their primary challenge —DHL Express 2024 E-Commerce Survey of small and mid-sized enterprises

WHAT A CONCEPT! Honda introduced a new concept Class 8 truck fueled entirely by hydrogen. The semi-truck is powered by three of the fuel cell systems that are produced in partnership with GM at a Michigan plant. The system reduces costs by two-thirds compared to earlier hydrogen options while doubling their durability, according to Honda. The concept truck can travel for an estimated 400 miles at a top speed of 70 miles per hour, all while emitting only water vapor and filling up in the same way as a diesel truck would.

“China alone controls about 20% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) necessary for our most critical medicines. This gure jumps to 45% when we consider key starting materials, the building blocks for APIs. Our over-reliance on China and other high-risk sources for vital components places us in a precarious position, subject to the whims of international politics and market manipulations.” — Colonel Victor A. Suarez, USA (Ret.), lead Vaccine Program Manager for the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine at Operation Warp Speed/BARDA in 2020-2021. He estimates that around 300 essential medicines were in short supply in the United States during 2023.

BEATING THE HEAT To combat heat-related illness among logistics workers, VigiLife has produced a new wearable technology called SafeGuard. The device takes the form of a digital armband packed with sensors that connect to a watch. The monitoring technology gauges biometrics like core body temperature and heart rate, and can alert workers if they need to slow down or take a break.

If the worker’s body indicates risks at a higher threshold, an alert is sent to a supervisor, who is instructed to pair hydration with an air-conditioned environment until the worker’s body reaches a safe temperature.

July 2024 • Inbound Logistics 1

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