Inbound Logistics | July 2024

TAKEAWAYS Shaping the Future of the Global Supply Chain


WORKERS TO BOSSES: AUTONOMY, PLEASE Nobody likes an authoritarian boss— that goes for transport workers, too. A controlling and inflexible leadership style makes transport workers feel powerless and devalued, according to global research by workplace culture expert O.C. Tanner. Findings from O.C. Tanner’s 2024 Global Culture Report reveal that 44% of transport workers have their working time strictly monitored and 39% say leaders are always watching whether or not they’re on task during work hours. In addition, 43% of respondents say their break times are also strictly monitored , making them feel undervalued and mistrusted, with burnout and exhaustion more likely. When employees are allowed freedom in how they accomplish their work, it’s often given to a limited number of job roles or employees, the report finds. Recommendations from the report include: • Give every employee some level of job flexibility and influence , while recognizing the limitations of certain roles. • Empower workers through actions such as adjusting work schedules, accommodating changing life circumstances , providing time for personal appointments, and giving workers a greater say over their workload. “Providing all employees with some level of autonomy and flexibility at work is key, ensuring that they feel seen and valued, which in turn leads to thriving workplace cultures and better business relationships,” the report notes.

23% Strongly Agree

7% Strongly Disagree

28% Disagree

42% Agree

Source: DHL Express Survey

VOTING FOR TRADE VIEWS With presidential election season in full swing, supply chain professionals are examining the foreign trade policies of President Biden and former President Trump as they determine which candidate will get their vote. Nearly 65% of respondents to a DHL Express 2024 E-Commerce Survey indicate that the candidates’ stances on international trade would a ect their vote ( see chart above ). A subset of 23% strongly agree that these stances will significantly influence their voting decisions. This focus on trade views highlights the interconnectedness of politics and business strategies in the current economic climate. The report, which surveyed more than 1,000 small- and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in ecommerce, also examined overall business outlook, with mostly upbeat findings. Here are some key takeaways: • Despite economic challenges, the ecommerce business outlook is optimistic. The outlook for ecommerce sales in 2024 remains optimistic among SMEs. A significant 65% of respondents anticipate that their ecommerce sales will increase year-over- year (2023 vs. 2024), with 24% expecting a significant increase and 41% predicting a slight increase. Only 6% of respondents foresee a decrease year-over-year, indicating a strong overall confidence in the continued expansion of online sales. • Inflation and shipping costs remain a strong concern. The survey reveals that 40% of respondents view shipping costs as the biggest threat to their business, while 38% identify inflation as their primary challenge. Likewise, 60% of respondents note that inflation is the top issue they will be following for the rest of the year, compared to other subjects like the presidential election, AI regulation, and ESG regulation. • International business growth is a top priority for SMEs. More than half of survey respondents (53%) see international growth as the biggest opportunity for their ecommerce business. This is further supported by their priority markets for expansion, with 43% targeting the EU and UK, and 29% looking toward Mexico and Canada.

28 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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