Inbound Logistics | July 2024


by Siddarth Priyesh Vice President & Head of Americas & Caribbean, CrimsonLogic | +1 905-763-6887

Modernizing U.S. Infrastructure In a strategic effort to invigorate the foundation of the nation’s supply chain, President Biden’s 2025 fiscal year budget initiative marks a substantial commitment to modernizing U.S. supply chain infrastructure. By prioritizing the enhancement of highways and ports, this initiative directly tackles longstanding infrastructure challenges.

enables highways and ports to minimize downtime, avoid delays and reduce congestion by proactively identifying potential bottlenecks, optimizing trafc ow and predicting maintenance needs. Real-time monitoring and data analytics provide valuable insights into trafc patterns, facilitating informed decision-making and route optimization. Furthermore, AI-powered trade management solutions offer opportunities to improve customs clearance processes, which facilitates real-time shipment tracking and tracing. Technology also enhances visibility and transparency in supply chain operations, along with security and advanced document verication processes, mitigating the risk of fraud and unauthorized access. Ultimately, this allows seamless collaboration and communication among supply chain stakeholders. As these technologies become integrated into highway and port operations, they promise to unlock new levels of efciency, reliability and competitiveness in global trade. By investing in modernizing highways and ports, and harnessing advanced technologies such as AI, the Administration’s budget initiative lays the foundation for a more agile, robust, and competitive country poised for sustainable success. n

such as electrication and automation, can further contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of transportation and logistics operations. Ecient and resilient port and highway operations. In today’s landscape dominated by ecommerce and just- in-time delivery models, the seamless ow of goods relies on various factors: the operational efciency of ports, sufcient draught, reliable road and rail connections, competitive transport services and effective container clearance procedures by public agencies. Any delays or bottlenecks in these key areas can result in supply chain disruptions and inated transportation costs, highlighting the need for infrastructure upgrades. Moreover, efcient port and highway infrastructure is a cornerstone of a country’s overall competitiveness and plays a signicant role in reducing global trade costs. Harnessing technologies to optimize supply chain operations. Leveraging articial intelligence (AI) and advanced technologies, such as predictive analytics,

The proposed investments pave the way for improved supply chain efciency and resilience, positioning the country for sustained growth and competitiveness in the global market. Increased focus on shipping infrastructure. The allocation of nearly $860 million toward strengthening U.S. shipping infrastructure underscores the administration’s commitment to fortifying the logistics network. This investment is poised to facilitate smoother and more efcient movement of goods by upgrading port facilities and enhancing highway navigational channels. Impact on jobs and the economy. Infrastructure projects create demand for skilled labor and support services across various sectors from construction to logistics and port operations. Impact on environmental sustainability. Upgraded highways, bridges and ports can lead to reduced emissions and improved fuel efciency through optimized routing and congestion reduction. Additionally, technology

56 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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