Inbound Logistics | July 2024


SOLVED Supply Chain Challenge? Between a Rock and a Hard Place When a construction materials company realized that transporting a massive rock crusher for repairs would put them between a rock and a hard place, it knew who to call: Landstar.

The customer reached out to inde- pendent Landstar agent and owner of Cheatham Transport, Chris Cheatham. His long-time customer knew that his experience and connections within the Landstar network would provide the solution to its challenge. The customer, a producer of construc- tion materials like gravel and stone, often faces the inevitable challenge of equip- ment wear and tear. In this case, the main shaft of a rock crusher’s head broke off, which required a quick solution for the company to meet its project timeline. THE CHALLENGE The massive crusher head needed to be transported from Pennsylvania to Utah for repair. While the head initially weighed 135,000 pounds, it was expected to be 25,000 pounds heavier post-repair due to the installation of a new shaft. Anything over 80,000 pounds is consid- ered a heavy haul shipment. Cheatham determined the trans- portation from Pennsylvania to Utah on a truck and trailer with 13 axles was needed to distribute the equipment’s weight properly. But with the added weight of a new shaft, he would need to arrange the return trip using a trailer with 16 axles. Given the specic requirements, Cheatham knew he could count on the Landstar network to nd the right equipment and an experienced busi- ness capacity owner (BCO)—the term Landstar uses for independent own- er-operators leased to the company—to accommodate both trips.

Cheatham is not only pleased to have satised this customer, but also to have fostered a new relationship to help future customers with similar challenges. “Landstar’s heavy/specialized depart- ment supported my agency, and the Landstar network provided the capacity solution. I was able to give my customer the high-quality specialized service they were looking for and to keep them apprised of progress along the way,” explains Cheatham. As part of the Landstar network, inde- pendent Landstar agents and their customers have access to the specialized equipment and the right people with the right skills to safely manage every step of a project and crush it.

THE SOLUTION The heavy/specialized team put him in touch with Frank Paleck, who has been handling heavy/specialized loads as an owner-operator leased to Landstar for nearly 30 years. Paleck owns two hydraulic Faymonville

HighwayMAX trailers, one model featuring 13 axles and the other 16

axles—perfect for this particular project. Additionally, Paleck used his extensive knowledge of permitting and routing to help coordinate the permitting process across several states and adjust the sched- uled route when it became necessary. “The haul went smoothly once it was loaded, and it got to Utah in 7 days,” Paleck says. Once it arrived, the cus- tomer had its own indoor crane ready to unload the equipment. After the repairs are complete, Cheatham and Paleck will work together again to transport the equipment, 25,000 pounds heavier, back to Pennsylvania via the 16-axle trailer.

To learn more: 877-696-4507

60 Inbound Logistics • July 2024

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