Inbound Logistics | June 2024


J.B. HUNT TRANSPORT SERVICES J.B. Hunt surpassed the halfway mark to achieving its goal to reduce carbon emissions intensity 32% by 2034 (baseline 2019) and is included on Morningstar Sustainalytics’ list of 2024 ESG Top Rated Companies. In 2023, the company created a multi-year plan to ensure it is ACF, CTC, and TRU compliant based on CARB’s ruling. It also improved data accessibility and transparency with the launch of its environmental, social, and governance reporting section on its website. The company operates 11 zero-emission vehicles with plans to add more in 2024. J.B. Hunt ensures 65% of all fuel purchased is a bio-blended diesel product or renewable diesel. Additionally, it offers CLEAN Transport, a program that lets customers acquire carbon offset credits equivalent to the emissions produced by shipments. NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: Through its intermodal business, J.B. Hunt helped to avoid an estimated 3.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2023 compared to transportation by truck alone—the equivalent of 765K passenger vehicles off the roads for one year.

million pounds of post-consumer plastic for pallet production.

Inmar drives sustainable reverse logistics through its returns facilities and programs, processing 500 million units (excluding Rx returns). With a 99% landfill diversion rate for consumer returns, Inmar has kept 200 million pounds from landfills through its returns management and liquidation programs. Inmar return facilities recycle around 28 million pounds of clients’ cardboard boxes each year. The company launched the Inmar Returns Network, which provides a national network of return drop-off locations. Returns are aggregated at the store level and transported using excess capacity on existing shipping lanes. This reduces fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions while eliminating one- off trips to carriers. The network currently has more than 4,000 drop-off locations nationwide and continues to add new retail locations. Inmar is also placing self-service return kiosks in retail stores. Inmar further reduces the consumption of fossil fuels and GHG emissions by managing 15 return processing centers nationwide and one in Canada. NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: Inmar’s waste-to-energy programs produce 14 million kilowatt hours of energy and save more than 26,000 barrels of oil yearly.


A SmartWay partner for more than one decade, IMC set a goal to replace all diesel tractors in California by 2028 with sustainable technologies, ahead of the 2035 mandate. The company has made substantial investments in both electric and hydrogen- powered trucks, with the purchase of six electric and 50 hydrogen trucks. In addition, IMC has added 117 diesel tractors that run on biodiesel fuel with emission reduction technology. IMC upgraded all its facilities in California to both interior and exterior LED lighting to reduce energy consumption. Its Compton facility is powered by 100% renewable energy and is carbon neutral, with other IMC locations set for carbon neutrality. IMC’s West Coast region is an early adopter of renewable diesel and was named to the SmartWay high performer list. NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: In addition to fleet upgrades, IMC has deployed electric yard hostlers and forklifts in its warehouse in Compton. The company installed five electric charging stations at this facility, and is in the process of installing 30 charging stations at its facility under construction in Fontana, California. This will allow IMC to deploy more electric trucks to the Inland Empire.


Kamps provides sustainable pallet services to organizations with national and global supply chains. In 2023,the company received a silver medal from sustainability rating platform EcoVadis. Kamps recycled more than 392 million pallets through its operations in 2023. This resulted in more than 10.5 million metric tons of C02 emissions that were prevented, over 21 million trees saved, and more than 7.2 million metric tons of landfill avoidance. The company also creates sustainable energy through partnerships with local biofuel cogeneration plants and by creating its own heating pellets from scrap and unusable pallets. Through these green energy efforts, Kamps produced more than 70,000 tons of wooden pellets, which generated enough energy to heat 28,000 homes in the United States for one year.


June 2024 • Inbound Logistics 43

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