Inbound Logistics | June 2024


What Grade Would You Give Brands on Reverse Logistics Operations?

To-Do’s for Improvement • Have easy-to-follow return policies.

WHILE SOME BRANDS EXCEL in reverse logistics, there’s room for improvement. Prioritizing technology to streamline processes and elevate the customer experience can boost reverse logistics performance. –Mike Trudeau Executive Vice President, Business Development, Montway Auto Transport TRACKING, inventory management, and customer experience can be improved. Companies investing in artificial intelligence and robotics stand to achieve notable progress. –Vlad Kadurin Chief Product and Operations Officer, Ship.Cars MAJOR LEADERS LIKE AMAZON skew the average upwards. However, I see refurbishment and repairs as needing more attention. Many large companies make repairing damaged products an unnecessarily expensive and long process. –Bryan Gerber Founder and CEO, Hara Supply BRANDS NEED TO FOCUS on optimizing return processes, implementing better tracking and communications systems as well as finding innovative ways to recycle return items to minimize environmental impact. –Mary Goodwin Account Associate, 4D Supply Chain Consulting Inc.

• Invest in technology to track and process returned products. • Explore ways to reduce the need for returns, like improving product quality, providing accurate product information, and offering customization options. • Leverage insights from returns to improve product design, marketing, and customer service . –Gene Welsh Chief Transportation Officer, MODE Global

TECHNOLOGIES INCLUDING INTERNET OF THINGS, artificial intelligence, and machine learning analytics can be used to reduce chaos and enhance the circular economy. There’s room for improving key aspects such as returns processing, remanufacturing/refurbishment, packaging, and recycling.

SOME BRANDS HAVE MATURE REVERSE LOGISTICS processes and some have a lot of room for growth. They’re recognizing the need to optimize reverse logistics with greater urgency as the costs to run a business shift in this macro economy, creating greater pressure to increase margins. –Kristen Kelly VP of Product, Loop Returns STREAMLINING RETURN AUTHORIZATIONS and offering eco-friendly disposal options could further enhance customer satisfaction and reduce environmental impact. –Siddharth Priyesh Vice President & Head, Americas & Caribbean, CrimsonLogic

–Shamini Martin Vice President, Marketing, Trigent Software

BRANDS ARE MAKING STRIDES in integrating customer-centric return processes. The next step is to enhance logistics networks for faster, more sustainable reverse flows, ensuring products are repurposed or recycled efficiently. –Dennis Moon COO, Roadie

6 Inbound Logistics • June 2024

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