Inbound Logistics | March 2023


SUPPLY CHAINS WILL FURTHER MOVE AWAY FROM BEING LINEAR CHAINS toward connected ecosystems that link data, decisions, and operations across multiple touchpoints and processes, enabling a greater level of coordination, collaboration, and orchestration. This will further accelerate into the future. –Alex Pradhan Product Strategy Leader John Galt Solutions EXPECT AN INCREASED EMPHASIS ON SUPPLIER AND ECOSYSTEM PARTNERSHIPS, with a marked focus on sustainability. Nearshoring will continue to grow, which will intensify the war for talent, and more companies will continue to adopt blockchain solutions to improve supply chain management. –Guru Bandekar Global Vice President, Supply Chain Management, Carrier THE COST OF INACCURATE DATA WILL ESCALATE and cost to track will continue to be a burden. Internet-of-Things technology will have increasing impact on the supply chain to help address these issues. –Jason Judd SVP, Engineering, Optilogic THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE WILL TAKE SHARE IN E-COMMERCE SHIPPING. Multi-carrier strategy will gain momentum with retailers, e-commerce pure-plays, and manufacturers selling direct-to- consumer. The trend is driven by elevated profitability goals and the necessity to adapt to new economic challenges from industry leaders, FedEx and UPS. –Gaston Curk CEO, OSM Worldwide WHILE INVESTING IN SUPPLY CHAIN AGILITY AND ANALYTICS will be a top priority for every logistician, increasing inventory levels will also be key to o•ering companies the flexibility necessary to meet unexpected surges in demand. –Greg Tuthill CCO, SeaCube Containers

Get Ready for These Transformations

Here are the three major transformations supply chain managers can anticipate.

Adoption of advanced supply chain technology will be a major source of competitive advantage for companies.

Platforms that improve human decision making and asset management will be areas of focus. Companies will unify their technology portfolios and update or replace legacy systems. Soon the majority of supply chain management platforms will deliver embedded advanced analytics (AA) and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. Improved decision making through the use of AA and AI is a high priority for supply chain stakeholders. This will be a major competitive advantage, making repetitive and manual requests for status obsolete. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities will be embedded in the supply chain process. Leaders must move from good intentions to value creation—accelerating progression of ESG priorities and merging them into the supply chain. This will become increasingly crucial as countries around the world continue to adopt stricter due diligence laws like the recently passed German supply chain law and the United States’ Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act. -Tim Chiu SVP, TradeBeyond

BRINGING TOGETHER A CLEAN ENERGY MIX of renewable energy with low-carbon alternative energy sources is one of many ways we will see supply chain management evolve over the next five, 10, and 15-plus years. –Joe Calhoun Director, Off-Road Business Development, Propane Education & Research Council

SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY WILL ADVANCE SIGNIFICANTLY. Order/purchase order management capabilities, rapid customer integrations, and real-time container tracking will be commonplace and base requirements for shippers seeking new supply chain partners. –Mike Williams EVP, Commercial Development & Logistics ContainerPort Group

Have a great answer to a good question? Be sure to participate next month. We want to know: How has logistics technology impacted your job or changed your business? We’ll publish some answers. Tell us at or tweet us @ILMAGAZINE #ILGOODQUESTION

March 2023 • Inbound Logistics 11

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