Inbound Logistics | September 2024


SOLVED Supply Chain Challenge? Syfan Logistics Solves

Communication Problem for Wisconsin Chemical Company Syfan Logistics, a leading third-party logistics (3PL) provider, has successfully resolved a major communication challenge for a chemical company based in Wisconsin.

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THE CHALLENGE The company had been struggling with managing its shipping communications through its transportation department, which was causing significant time and resource constraints. The breakthrough came when Syfan Logistics was referred to the chemi- cal company by an existing customer. Recognizing the need for a more effi- cient solution, Syfan built a strong relationship with the company and shared how their transportation depart- ment could benefit from their expertise. Previously, the chemical company had been handling all customers throughout the order process. This way was ineffi- cient and created a heavy workload. After an order was placed, they would assemble it and manually email the cus- tomer the bill of lading when it was ready to ship. This process often resulted in numerous customer inquiries for updates, which further burdened the transportation team. The situation needed a solution and Syfan’s LTL team was able to pro- vide one. THE SOLUTION Syfan Logistics listened attentively to the chemical company’s needs and swiftly implemented a simple yet effective fix. By adding notifications to their customer

received real-time updates when their shipments were tendered, picked up, and delivered. To enhance the tracking experience, Syfan’s LTL team developed a user- friendly dashboard that allowed the chemical company’s customers to track

The company’s dedication to solving complex challenges continues to set them apart in the industry. All their hard work and dedication to their customers is worth it.

their shipments all the way to the final destination. With just a tracking number, customers could access detailed informa- tion about their shipments. The impact of this solution has been remarkable. The Wisconsin chemical company expressed its gratitude to the Syfan LTL team, acknowledging that the streamlined communication pro- cess has saved them countless hours and enabled them to focus on more critical tasks. They also admitted that they were unaware such a service was available before partnering with Syfan Logistics. By significantly reducing the need for customer communications, Syfan Logistics has demonstrated its commit- ment to providing exceptional service and support to its clients.

To learn more: 855-287-8485

26 Inbound Logistics • September 2024

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