Inbound Logistics | June 2023

These solutions providers providers offer technology technology that empowers sustainable sustainable supply chains. chains. GREEN TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS

Aera Technology Aera Decision Cloud provides data-informed recommendations that consider sustainability metrics. Command Alkon Load Assurance uses direct contact, in-drum technology to measure concrete properties throughout the delivery process, which enables the reuse of returned materials.

Freightgate A carbon modeling feature enables shippers to accurately calculate carbon emissions associated with their logistics processes and make data- driven decisions to reduce environmental impact.

Nexterus Helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking, and improving freight transportation e°ciency. nVision Global Environmental and social sustainability solutions provide value to customers while reducing the environmental impact of all activities within the global freight audit, payment and logistics information management services.

Tecsys Intelligent route optimization software cuts wasteful mileage, associated equipment wear-and-tear, and CO 2 emissions. Helps improve intra-warehouse and order picking routes through algorithms that reduce distance traveled and optimize resources.



An advanced multimodal carbon rating application evaluates carbon load factors for a variety of global supply chain scenarios. LogiNext Solutions SaaS platform helps large enterprises digitize their route planning operations to save fuel and reduce the carbon footprint at a global level.

The company’s “Get Green” program is aimed at driving supply chain sustainability. It has two prongs: one focuses on a tracker rebate program that incentivizes customers to return trackers for refurbishment and repurposing; the other is dedicated to reducing Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions via providing real-time shipment tracking. mandates and environmental improvements, Trax uses its Carbon Emissions Manager solution to accurately track emissions from all vendors, lanes, modes, and regions. Yard Management Solutions The Yard Jockey module reduces yard jockey travel distance by 30%, lowering CO 2 emissions by approximately 450 pounds per week per yard jockey. With a 50-gallon fuel tank, this saves 15 gallons of fuel per week per yard jockey. Trax To help with reporting


Smart Packing software automatically configures every order to select the smallest box (that meets carrier standards) to reduce box and material usage. SmartHop Technology that helps fleets optimize their routes and minimize unproductive trips, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Sparck CVP Impack and Everest auto-boxing machines create custom-fit parcels using recyclable corrugate that require no void fill.


Incorporates green initiatives into distribution and fulfillment facility designs to enable customers to cut energy usage, lower carbon emissions, and reuse and/or recycle materials.


Lucas Systems Software helps distribution centers reduce the amount of paper used for labeling and order fulfillment, and allows consolidated cartonization for products shipped.

Optimizes LTL, truckload, and private fleets to reduce total miles and required assets to move freight, which reduces CO 2 emissions.

Flowspace Network Optimization


determines the configuration within Flowspace’s fulfillment location network that enables merchants to optimally distribute inventory.

Sustainability management o®ering enables users to calculate and minimize environmental impact across all execution steps.

June 2023 • Inbound Logistics 59

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