Inbound Logistics | January 2022

WHO ELSE MADE THE LIST? These leading companies round out the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 list: 11. AbbVie 12. Nike 13. Inditex 14. Dell Technologies

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NESTLÉ For the second year running, Nestlé

15. HP Inc 16. Lenovo 17. Diageo

scored a perfect ESG score in the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25. (An ESG rating measures a company’s exposure to long-term environmental, social, and governance risks.) Nestlé’s efforts include developing

18. The Coca-Cola Company 19. British American Tobacco

20. BMW 21. Pfizer 22. Starbucks 23. General Mills 24. Bristol Myers Squibb 25. 3M

simplied packaging and biodegradable and compostable materials and upping its use of recycled content. Nestlé also launched an interactive video platform to raise consumer awareness about the complex sustainability issues associated with the palm oil supply chain. The company is also expanding its e-commerce business and developing new direct-to-consumer capabilities across its entire supply chain.


PEPSICO One of PepsiCo’s top priorities is

investing in digital tools and advanced technologies to create a more efcient, streamlined supply chain. It focuses on data integration to better meet consumer demands and sophisticated data analytics to drive those efciencies.

INTEL Amid a worldwide chip shortage, Intel announced in March 2021 that it would be spending $20 billion to build two new chip plants in Arizona. This signaled the company’s continued focus on manufacturing and demonstrated its ability to deliver innovative supply chain solutions under difcult circumstances. Intel’s RISE (responsible, inclusive, sustainable, enabling) strategy includes the goal

Following the COVID outbreak, PepsiCo showcased its agile supply chain by quickly launching two direct- to-consumer offerings— and—to enable customers to customize a range of its products. The company is also committed to driving sustainability through its supply chain. For example, PepsiCo recently revealed plans to become net water positive—replenish more water than it uses—by 2030. If successful, the company will be among the most water-efcient food or beverage manufacturers operating in high-risk watersheds.

of developing “the most sustainable and energy-efcient PC in the world, eliminating carbon, water and waste in its design and use.” In its 2020-21 Corporate Responsibility Report, Intel notes it has increased its use of renewable energy from 71% to 81%, conserving 7.1 billion gallons of water in the process. To drive sustainability throughout its supply chain, Intel requires its 9,000+ tier 1 suppliers to comply with the Intel Code of Conduct and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, and to develop their own corporate responsibility strategies, policies and processes.

216 Inbound Logistics • January 2022

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