Inbound Logistics | May 2024


also president of the Mexican Intermodal Association (AMTI). EASO’s customer base includes retailers, consumer products manufacturers, automotive, food and beverage, home appliances, and waste industries. EASO’s intermodal services include domestic, cross-border, and maritime solutions. “A key part of EASO’s innovative intermodal solutions for cross-border transportation is our warehouse in Alliance, Texas, which can handle overweight shipments,” Anchustegui says. “As a result, customers can ship cargo throughout the United States and Mexico with unmatched rates, capacity, and environmental benets,” he adds. The company’s experience, facilities, and partners are dedicated to transporting goods across borders, enabling customers’ freight to move efciently and safely throughout Mexico and across North America. EASO also offers customized port transportation solutions that provide shippers with more precise control of their imports and exports. It can provide access to efcient transshipments, as well as smart distribution and storage. Operating Dedicated Fleets EASO also is a pioneer and specialist in the operation of dedicated eets. Through this service, shippers essentially gain the equipment capacity and resources of a private eet without the operational, administrative, and safety risks. With a dedicated EASO eet, shippers have more time to focus on their business and strategic priorities. EASO focuses on designing ideal eets and offers state-of-the-art analysis technology to increase productivity and reduce underutilization. As a result, shippers can meet their transportation commitments, with quality service and at very competitive costs. Through its spot services, EASO helps shippers ensure their cargo moves quickly, reliably, and securely within Mexico. This is possible due to EASO’s

Industrial Gate specializes in build-to-suit asset development. Its current portfolio spans 3.1 million square feet of properties in the cities of Monterrey, Tijuana, Reynosa, and other municipalities in Mexico.

industrial building plans based on thorough market analyses, and portfolio or property management. Each development is backed by Real Estate Investments (REI), an industrial developer led by experienced industry veterans, in conjunction with TC Latin America Partners, an institutional investment manager. Through all phases of a project, Industrial Gate takes care of all the processes. This includes identifying optimal market opportunities and structuring transactions, focusing on risk management and capital preservation; acquisition and development; and nancing, leasing, management, reporting, disposition, investor relations, and fundraising. Industrial Gate team members bring more than 15 years of experience in the development, management, and layout of Class A industrial buildings.

reliable operators, commitment to continuous communication, and agility. Shippers can reduce their logistics costs through EASO’s 3PL logistics services, which provide access to thousands of reliable and qualied carriers, agile and responsive brokers, and multimodal options. Together, these resources allow cargo to move smarter, rather than harder. Industrial Gate: Industrial Development for Global Companies Industrial Gate creates industrial buildings that exceed tenants’ logistics and distribution expectations. Its current portfolio spans 3.1 million square feet of properties in the cities of Monterrey, Tijuana, Reynosa, and other municipalities in Mexico, and includes build-to-suit development, speculative

82 Inbound Logistics • May 2024

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