Inbound Logistics | July 2023

CONTENTS JULY 2023 | VOL. 43 | NO. 7

136 HOW TO ATTRACT AND RETAIN THE BEST SUPPLY CHAIN WORKFORCE As they steer through increasingly complex supply chain challenges, companies stay laser-focused on navigating the talent war and attracting the right people for the job. 142 TOP 20 AI APPLICATIONS IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN For small to mid-sized businesses and global corporations alike, artificial intelligence can help with everyday tasks—say filling out customs paperwork—as well as guide supply chain decision-making, enabling demand-driven responsiveness and resiliency. 148 GLOBAL LOGISTICS ESSENTIALS: WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE YOU SOURCE, IMPORT, OR EXPORT Global logistics brings both challenges and opportunities for today’s shippers. We break down the nitty-gritty details every importer and exporter needs to know. 154 9 QUICK TIPS TO MAXIMIZE EXPEDITED SHIPPING ‘Expedite’ does not have to be a bad word in your supply chain. Here’s how to make expedited shipping a strategic strength.

166 SPONSORED CANADA & THE UNITED STATES MAP OUT CROSS- BORDER CONNECTIONS The strength of the trade relationship between the neighboring countries is illustrated daily in border crossings, where freight handled by experienced logistics providers moves seamlessly both ways. 173 Throw these books into your beach bag and catch up on the latest supply chain trends and strategies. 180 SUPPLY CHAINS 2023 SUMMER READING GUIDE ARE SOCIAL NETWORKS While many of today’s new business skills require technical knowhow, it is social skills, ironically, that may be key for future human employment.


AI-enabled solutions supercharge supply chain data.


U.S. ports have weathered storms that forced slow steaming of supply chains across the globe. Through it all, the ports stand as studies of American resilience and innovation, serving as powerful lighthouses to the world.


Importing and exporting grows in both volume and complexity.

4 Inbound Logistics • July 2023

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