Inbound Logistics | July 2022


really had to gure out how to turn the company in the right direction. A big part of that was trying to rebuild vendors’ trust in our new team and direction and persuading them to work with us. We’ve been able to do that and have produced nine consecutive quarters of growth. As a female executive, balancing work and home can be challenging. I don’t have a great strategy, but once I’m home, I try to put my phone down and focus. Then once my kids are in bed, my third shift starts, when I call overseas vendors. One attribute that’s critical in supply chain and logistics is the ability to address the curveballs thrown at you day-to-day. For instance, several years ago, I received notice that a container was dropped incorrectly, so it tilted toward the other containers on the truck, just as a storm was forecast. Once I knew about the situation, I dropped everything to quickly connect with the driver and make sure he could return to the distribution center to x it. One reason I enjoy the supply chain eld is that there’s always something new and challenging. It never gets boring. n

Sherry Liu Answers the Big Questions 1 If you could speed the development of one supply chain-disrupting technology, what would it be and why? Especially in logistics, we try to bring visibility. Even with artificial intelligence prediction models, no one can really pinpoint when a container will be in and unloaded. If I had a magic wand, I’d bring end-to-end visibility and accuracy. 2 What are your words to live by? A mentor shared with me the key to being the kind of leader your team wants to follow: as you progress and gain more responsibility, there will always be times you’ll make mistakes. As a leader, when things go wrong, you take responsibility. You can discuss the problem with your team members, but you’re accountable. But when things go well, it’s your team that gets the credit. 3 If you could be granted one magic power, what would it be? I would get 48 hours into each day.

May 2022 • Inbound Logistics 25

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